Sunday, September 29, 1996

Authentic Hot Water Noodles (ED! #02)

You know something? I think we may have been a bit unkind to The Spice Girls.
Okay, Wannabe was rubbish (and that's an easy thing to say about the best-selling single this year), but their new single Say You'll Be There is really quite good.

Money down on the table - number one by no later than the end of October, easily. How's that?

You'll recall back from the time we were going on about Chage & Aska on mailbox how their video was being played on The Box, which for those not on cable is a video jukebox channel.

It was almost entirely the fault of this channel that Wannabe did so well - people were ringing up asking for it almost all the time. And from some casual viewing this evening, the new video is getting a fair few requests!

It's quite a good video, actually. Although I can't quite grasp why the girls are going around smashing a load of goldfish bowls in the desert (clearly a heavy metaphor way above the heads of a mortal such as myself) but who cares? What a video. I wish I knew why I liked it so much..

But back to the ongoing saga of what I have been mostly eating, and today I am being exotic!

Yes, I'm fortunate enough to have with me this evening some genuine authentic add-hot-water cup noodles from the Nissin company of Japan. And rather nice they are too.

Admittedly my clumsy western fork spent a good five minutes trying to pick up a small amount of noodles to eat before I eventually gave up and resorted to grabbing a clump and sucking them up from the pot, rather like spaghetti, in a very noisy and undignified manner.

Worth it in the end though - and certainly knocks spots off the nasty microwave noodles I had the other day - in fact I was convinced I had found the lowest form of food known to man. Some kind of stripped gelatinous unknown, possibly below the level of even sea amoeba. Bet you that sea amoeba don't make as much noise eating noodles right out of the pot, though..

Speaking of the lowest form of food I uncovered a usage of the word last week which concerned me somewhat.

In the supermarket (yes, the same one I bought the yogurt from) buying some super cheap cheese slices. On the label, these slices are described as "10 Cheese Food Slices"

Cheese FOOD Slices? Why is that word there? That word definitely isn't usual. What is it distinguishing? These cheese slices are only for eating and not, perhaps, for public display? Not for exhibiting in the tate gallery? Why is that word there? Oh, these things worry me...

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